Dear colleagues and friends,
While New Jersey has been focused on prioritizing essential services during the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to reach out and assure you that the BPU remains committed to safely moving Governor Murphy’s clean energy agenda forward.
There is understandable concern due to distancing requirements and the pause in construction and non-essential work unrelated to preservation of health and safety. To that end, on May 1, the Board issued a press release clarifying that the State considers solar projects “essential construction projects” under Gov. Murphy’s Executive Order 122, and that “utility projects, including those necessary for energy and electricity production and transmission and any decommissioning of facilities used for electricity generation” may continue during the Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency declared by the Governor.
Also, on May 20 the Board lifted COVID-19 restrictions put in place on March 19 for non-essential construction, thus allowing utilities and clean energy workers to get back on the job while following guidelines laid out in Governor Murphy’s Executive Order #142.
Additionally, work continues to advance the energy efficiency transition, a critical component of the Governor’s clean energy agenda. Since going virtual, Staff released a comprehensive straw proposal and led two public stakeholder meetings bringing together over 400 interested parties. Implementing energy efficiency to reduce energy burdens is more critical than ever and staff are expected to make recommendations for Board action to advance the transition in the month of May.
This is a new and challenging time for all of us, but as the BPU participates in the statewide effort to combat and contain the virus, we also remain committed to clean energy. Reducing emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change through clean energy are vital parts of building a stronger and fairer New Jersey. Solar, offshore wind, and energy efficiency matters will continue to be part of the Board’s virtual stakeholder engagement and agenda meetings.
Thank you as always, for your ongoing commitment to New Jersey and for standing with us during these uncertain and difficult times. Like you, I remain dedicated to clean energy solutions for a healthy climate and a greener economy.
Joseph L. Fiordaliso
President, Board of Public Utilities